Thursday, August 24, 2017

5 ways to build your integrity

ways to build integrity

5 ways to build your integrity - Adopting a lifestyle of integrity is a decision that will affect every aspect of your daily life, including the lives of your family and your business. All of this started from the desire to fulfill themselves in order to find needs that can not be fulfilled in life and then decide to take action to change this.

First and foremost, this process involves statements of intention that you tindaklanjuti with action and commitment. This is a move that can make you grab it:

Make an appointment and proper

The pledge is part of a decision, a responsibility that you choose to run. If you don't follow through on Your promises, you will lose your focus may even fail to meet your responsibilities at a time that is already determined.

Remember also that, there is enough time for you to capture the moments of self and time together with your family and those you love. Enjoy life before it is committed to the tasks that will take you away from how you want to enjoy life.
Be honest in every communication

Train integrity in communication means say what you would do and then do it. People know that life is full of challenges. When you say be honest to others about your obligations and why something may (or may not) happen in the time promised, they will understand. Try not to always (gives promise of) other people's fun. This will cause the loss of integrity and failed keep cordial relations.

Take care of yourself and your surroundings are kept clean and organized

Do the little things that mean for yourself. When was the last time you took the time to read the book? What happened to Your project that began three years ago and never finished? What about the fate of the things that you like, but you've never done because it's too busy for a living?

Set all this by getting rid of things that exist around you makes you focus. See the papers that are on your desk, a letter on the table and tidy up (a useless waste of) all the things around your House that you want to remove.
Stay focused

Have you ever noticed that when your personal care is missing, then things get messed up? Finding balance in life to keep yourself, your household, and your business is very difficult. I find that making the list and the alarms on mobile phones make me remain on the right track.

Surround yourself with positive people

To increase your integrity, surround yourself with people you admire. If you feel you can not directly involved personally with the influential people, read a book or listen to motivational seminars to help you increase your awareness in the right direction. What you give on your mind will have an impact on what you will do. Your integrity in life is affected by what you put into your mind.

This aims to build a sense of self, not for the safety of self or self assessment. You don't have to be perfect and no problem to do mistakes. Decided to make this commitment from the little things and you will find that your integrity increase.

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good article guys
thanks for sharing

I hope, after read this items i can build my integrity in my self.

Thanks for this article... very informative!!!
