Monday, August 14, 2017

Tips on choosing the right Social Media for your business (part 1)

Tips on choosing the right Social Media for your business

Social media is an extraordinary phenomenon in the world of today's technology, they appear like a virus that infected everyone to use it. Some social media like Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc has made a change in the communication world where every person has the right to speak or get information about an organization, company, artist, etc. without any distinction of social strata.

At the beginning of the emergence of social media is used only as a means to communicate with people-people who we admire or perhaps also to communicate with the friend who've not met, but the user community with social media, there are some people or companies who use it as a tool for marketing campaigns, even social media is also used by American politician Barack Obama when he first ran for President.

Such a huge influence in the world of social media marketing to create a large enough pergesaran, but whether all social media tools capable of being an effective marketing campaign for your company? the answer lies in Your target market. If you are a company that plays in the areas of B2B (business to business) then the social media that are suitable for your use is LinkedIn, Facebook, Ziggs, etc – to another, but if business plays in the areas of B2C (Business to Consumer) then the choice of social media that you can use much more e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon,, etc.
Choosing the right social media can provide an extraordinary effect for Your business promotion activities, but the selection of social media must be adapted to the target market and the ultimate goal of the promotional activities. For example, the new company Unilever Indonesia with Rexona Teens held a dance competition with the theme "Existed Abis Confi-Dance Competition" that utilizes social media facebook as a means for their marketing campaign. The activities of this marketing campaign aims to introduce their new products addressed to children older children.

Some of the things that must be considered before choosing the right social media for your business are:
Target Market

Have you determine Your target market? If you do not specify the target market you want to achieve better don't use social media as a promotional tool, because it will only waste your time. But if you want to use social media as a tool of promotion then specify Your target market. You can specify one based on demographics, such as:

The age of
The language of the
Home Ownership
Employment Status
The location of the
When you're determining clearly the target marketnya then it will be easier for you to choose the right social media for your business.
Where to place Your assembled audience?

Find out where Your audiences congregate is very important because surely you do not want the campaign to be conducted in vain the drain because it is not right on target.
How much time you want to invest?

If you are not yet ready to invest some of your time to social media campaign don't do better, because to build a good community requires time, energy and thoughts, therefore specify what percentage of the time you want to invest before choosing social media for your business.
The end result you want

Ask yourself, what's the end result that is desired when using social media as a tool for the campaign. You must specify one before you use social media because there are determined early, you can design the topic or content that you want to publish to your audience. Commonly used social media to promote a product or brand or company collecting community who have the same interest with the industry you get into and of course all of this can be done if you have already determined the final result to be achieved.
Prepare content for building interaction

The interaction is very important thing on social media therefore prepare the material or content that is interesting to talk about so that Your social media be lively and interesting to follow. Use the topics most interesting article on your blog, share the article and ask for a response from your audience. Give tips or updated information about your business so that your audience knows the development of business that you are living at the moment.

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1 Comments so far

I think its great part if choose right sosmed refer to promote blog for getting visitor.
