Thursday, August 31, 2017

5 simple ways to make your customer listen to you

If you do business chances are you will get customers or prospective clients that might will contact you via phone, email, or your website. But in a competitive market, how do you differentiate yourself with others?

Tom Haley, Group Creative Director at Jellyvision Lab, based in Chicago, provides five tips that he used so that a business can provide education and better communication with their customers. The following five tips from Haley:

Remove things that don't matter

It is very important to make every sentence becomes clear and efficient, said Haley. "If you can make a Word, sentence, or paragraph that can make someone understand something, then go for it," said Haley. For example, if you sell a lawn mower and you try to explain why Your mower better than others, then don't ever tell you about the history of your company. Tell me only on things related to the advantages of your product.

"Do not assume that the audience is interested with the messages you convey", said Haley. Business owners often obsess on their business, but forget that the business that they run is to customers, their interaction with You was only a small part of their day. They need is the solution, not the history of the product you are selling, said Haley.

Explain a thing before you call it

If you work in a field that has a terminology or jargon, make sure to explain the concept and the term before use it continuously, because other people may not know the term or terminology that you use it. For example, if you are a business owner website creation, it is possible that your customers heard the term domain name and hosting server, but does not know what a difference the second it is or what it is. By explaining that the hosting server is the place where we put a Web.config file already created, you have ensured that everyone understands what you mean.

If possible, use metaphors

Haley said that the use of the metaphor can help explain a complex concept to customers. For example, I often explain to my clients that the hosting server as a convenience store, where you can put the products that you sell. While the domain name is the name of your store.
Make a funny

"Humor is the core of what we do," said Haley. Jellyvision has found that people will learn a lot of things and have a better experience if you can make them laugh. "This is not about his jokes," said Haley. "It's about how to be humane, easy to find, and interesting". Whatever you do, remember that you are talking to a human being, said Haley.

The story is based on the order of chronology

In storytelling, it's easy to make a sequence of an event to be wrong, said Haley. Therefore, it is very important to use context in real life when you try to explain it to the consumer. For example, the Jellyvision creates an interactive talk experience to the company's utility to educate their customers about how to read their utility bills. Rather than read the line item cost and try to guess what they meant, you can start it by saying like, "the electricity generated from a power plant and ship them to your home each, but all of the process such a cost attached to your Bill as the cost of electricity ".

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